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Ender Orchid

A mystical flower that grows on The End. Not unlike crops, they have 7 levels of growth, dropping Ender Pearls when fully grown.


By default, Ender Orchids can only be placed on blocks that are on the coxinhautilities:ender_orchid_strict_placement (usually just End Stone). You can disable hasEnderOrchidStrictPlacement, allowing placement on any block.

However, they'll grow faster on strict placement blocks:

  • On strict placement block odds (enderOrchidRegularGrowthRate | default: 8): 100/8 = 12.5% every random tick
  • Other blocks odds (enderOrchidSpecialGrowthRate | default: 12): 100/12 = 8.3% every random tick

To disable Ender Orchids' generation, set canGenerateEnderOrchids to false.