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Every enchantment and curse added by Incantationem can have their ways of obtaining altered via the configuration file. This file is located at your game's .minecraft/config/incantationem.json. It can be edited in-game, although by different methods on each loader:

  • Neoforge: Mods > select Incantationem > Config
  • Fabric: Install ModMenu then click Mods > select Incantationem > click the sliders at the top-right corner.

Config options

Is Luck Based: Whether this enchantment's effects should be triggered through luck or every time.

Success Rate: If luck based, how often in percentage this enchantment can be triggered

Show apply message: Whether or not a message should be displayed when luck-based enchantments are triggered; note that if you're connected to a server where this is disabled, your own configuration will be ignored.

Modifying incompatibility between enchantments

Each enchantment and curse's incompatiblity list is managed through tags, which can be altered through KubeJS and Data Packs. All tags have the following format:

  • incantationem:exclusive_set/<id>

All enchantments' ids can be checked with the command /enchant @p incantationem:'s autocomplete (requires cheats).

Example tag file

"replace": false,
"values": [

This file disallows Charmed (incantationem:charmed) from being combined with Tough Luck (incantationem:tough_luck).