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Bane of the Swine

  • Equipment: Weapon
  • Max. Level: 5
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes

Increases damage dealt to swine-like mobs, such as Pigs, Piglins, Piglin Brutes and Hoglins.

Bunny's Hop

  • Equipment: Boots
  • Max. Level: 3
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes

Grants Jump Boost while standing on top of grass or dirt blocks, each level amplifying the effect.


  • Equipment: Any
  • Max. Level: 1
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes
  • Incompatible with: Curse of Tough Luck

Grants permanent luck effects when holding/wearing an item with the enchantment. This increases your good odds of getting effects on enchantments while reducing them on curses.


  • Equipment: Weapon
  • Max. Level: 3
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes

Randomly applies Withering to entities damaged with it. Each level increases the chances of getting the effect, as well as the duration and strength of the withering effect.


  • Equipment: Armor
  • Max. Level: 3
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes
  • Incompatible with: Projectile Protection, Thorns

Randomly deflects projectiles thrown at the user. The effect stacks across all armor, so it's better to have it on as many equipment as possible!

Forging Touch

Randomly smelts blocks you break (such as turning gold ores into gold ingots). Each level increases chances of smelting.

Fuse Shot

  • Equipment: Bow
  • Max. Level: 3
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Available on Enchantment table? No

Causes a small, non-griefing explosion when a target is hit.

Last Stand

  • Equipment: Chestplate
  • Max. Level: 3
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes

While on low health (≤4 hearts), the user has a chance of being granted Strength at every hit. Each level increases odds, level and duration of effect.


  • Equipment: Leggings
  • Max. Level: 3
  • Rarity: Very Rare
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes

Magnetizes item and experience orbs near the user. Each level increases the range of the magnetization.

Reaping Rod

  • Equipment: Fishing Rod
  • Max. Level: 1
  • Rarity: Very Rare
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes

Applies effects similar to an Enchanted Golden Apple when the killing blow to a hostile mob was made by a Fishing Rod.


  • Equipment: Leggings
  • Max. Level: 1
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes

When hit, the user has a chance of being granted Speed.


  • Equipment: Bow
  • Max. Level: 3
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes

When targets are hit, they might be applied Poison, with each level increasing the odds slightly.

Water Slash

  • Equipment: Weapon
  • Max. Level: 5
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Available on Enchantment table? Yes

Increases damage dealt to mobs vulnerable to water, such as Endermen, Shulkers, Blazes, Striders and Snow Golems.